Monday, August 20, 2007

Nutrition: the importance of breakfast

I am not big on diets. I don't believe on any of them. What works for me is to make smaller meals and have a little of everything. This weekend was not very restful for me. I was sick all weekend. And then this morning I woke up like nothing happened. I even had energy. As I was standing in the kitchen, it hit me. I did not have an official breakfast at all during the weekend.
To me right now, it is not as important to eat extremely healthy. It is more important to make sure that I have some protein, some carbs, my vitamins, fruits and vegetables in every meal. So my breakfast might not look healthy to some people. But I have spent the longest part of the last twenty years NOT having breakfast, so actually eating breakfast is a bigger accomplishment. What do you think? Keep trying.

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