Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ramblings: why wont you be my friend?

Today's message is for someone specific and hopefully he will never see it but at least I got the chance to say it. I am a good person, and a great friend. I am sincere, loyal, honest, smart, relentless, and lovable. I am also annoying, relentless, sincere and honest to the point of painful. It is true I am all those things, but you will never have a friend that loves you as much as I do or cares about you so much that she is willing to loose your friendship but will be honest enough so that you never look or act like a fool in front of others. This is why I am more than a little obsessed with reminding you that you seem arrogant and smart ass to all who see you or hear you speak. I know that you are honestly enthusiastic about certain things, and a downright believer of others. I can't be like you when it comes to your job, I don't have the faith you do in the future of my country. But I admire your faith and determination. And even though you don't want to deal with this now, I am still your friend, and I will be here whenever you need me. Amen, end of speech.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Motivation: a trip to Europe

Hi. Today we found out, my daughter and I are going to Spain for two weeks next summer. Obviously, I do not want to look like a baboon when I get there.
Last year, my daughter and I took a school trip to Greece and Italy. I only managed to loose 30 pounds for that trip. I looked like a whale and I refused to be in the pictures.
Now we have nine months to take care of this, so now I have all the motivation I need to loose more than 30 pounds. I have the added incentive of wanting to be comfortable on the plane seat. I am already afraid of flying. Why compound it with a sore butt from a long flight in an uncomfortable seat?
Now I have the motivation, all I need is a plan. Keep trying.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Exercise: how much is too much?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I did not want to exercise last week because my knee hurt. My knee hurt because I gained three pounds. I gained three pounds because I had an injury (on my knee). The argument can go around in circles for eternity. It is kind of the chicken or the egg argument. What came first? What is the relation to the original question? The reason why I injured my leg was because I exercise too long, too hard and too much. So how much is too much?
When your body tells you to stop, you should listen intently. Is it really telling you to stop or are you looking for an excuse to quit? If you are feeling pain... it is telling you to stop. If you feel tired... you are looking for an excuse, unless you are fainting... which means you overdid it.
Just listen to your body and analyze the answer. Deep down inside, you know the difference. Oh, and by the way, I walked three miles yesterday and my knee does not hurt today, which means I am going walking again tomorrow.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Nutrition: love strawberries

Even low carb dieters like strawberries. They are sweet, specially when really red. But their level of simple sugars is low enough that it does not affect you no matter what diet you are in. To be honest, I don't really care if they are good for you or not. All I know is that I just finished a three mile walk that I had not being able to finish in the last two weeks, and now I am sitting in front of the TV watching one of my favorite movies (Last Holiday), and instead of popcorn, I am having a huge plate of fresh strawberries.
For all of you out there, keep trying.

My secret hideaway

My secret hideaway