Thursday, September 13, 2007

Motivation: attract what you want to your life

OK. I am a big believer of the Law of Attraction. I am also a big wimp and have only used it on small things. But, if I want to apply it to something important, I have to start now. So, instead of concentrating on loosing weight, I have to concentrate on being healthy, looking sexy, strong muscles and a lean body. Do you think I can do it?
Stay tuned to this weekend, when we will post the actual picture of what I look like right now, with all the measurements and the goals for the end of the year.
Keep trying.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Exercise: is it worth it?

Every day I wake up and all I want is to get 30 minutes of exercise in. And on most days, I do it. But the weight stays the same. Some months I loose inches on the top and gain on the bottom. Some times it's the other way around. The question begs asking: is it worth it?
The answer is obviously YES. When you exercise you are helping your body in many ways. Your bones get stronger, your muscles shape up. Your heart gets stronger, your lungs get cleaner. You have to remember I use to smoke. It takes seven years for your lungs to clean all that crap. I want to cut that in half. I have my work cut out for myself.
Do what you feel comfortable doing, and if you try something new, share it with us.
Keep trying.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Nutrition: don't skip any meals

I eat five meals a day. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner and two snacks. In the menu today:
Breakfast: one egg omelet with potatoes O'Brien, lean ham and a splash of cheese
Snack 1: watermelon and cantaloupe slices with a certain Italian ham I love (very salty)
Lunch: 3 ounces of lean pork with salad
Snack 2: bowl of strawberries
Dinner: 3 ounces of pink salmon with vegetables
Is it the healthiest menu? No, but what I do, in order to eat everything I like is to control the portions and drink a ton of water. As the days go on and I find new things to try, the menus will get better. The bottom line, right now for me, it is the ultimate sacrifice to not skip a meal. I have hypoglycemia, I am not supposed to skip meals. Yet I do it ALL the time. So to me, it is more important right now to learn to NOT SKIP any meals. Besides, I don't believe in eliminating everything. I think all in moderation is better. What do you think? Keep trying.

My secret hideaway

My secret hideaway