Thursday, August 23, 2007

Motivation: or lack thereof

I have a confession to make. This week, as far as my health goes, has been a complete disaster. First of all, the weekend I spent in bed, feeling sick and eating worse. Then, on Monday, I had to take a forced vacation (office equipment failure and I work from home). I figured that I should not waste all my time, so I started cleaning house and taking care of some projects. Now I have no phone and no voice (dirt killed my throat).
My exercise routine has also taken a beating. I walked two miles yesterday. That is all the exercise, except for the housework, I've been able to do all week. I am exhausted and cranky. The only good thing is that I am still drinking two litters of water a day. On the flip side, I am eating terribly.
But even when you mess up there are important lessons you can discover.
1) If you are too restrictive in your eating patterns, your body is only going to crave it more.
2) Every once in a while, you have to give your body a break to recover, be it from extreme exercise, or in this case, from extreme heat (yesterday we broke heat record).
3) It is not whether or not you fall down. YOU WILL! It is how you get up, dust yourself off and keep going that matters. So you ate a DING DONG (or the whole box). The important thing is that the next day you eat healthy and exercise 10 minutes extra for the rest of the week. Some days are easier than others. You have to be ready for anything. Me, my krytonite is chocolate (not cakes or candies) and ice cream. But the important thing is that I also have fruits and vegetables in my fridge and I am eating them every day. And little by little there will be more fruit and less crap. Keep trying.

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My secret hideaway