Thursday, June 11, 2009

Three days for clothes

My husband gave me a challenge. Instead of running around like a chicken without its head, concentrate on one thing at a time. The first three days are for clothes. Today was the first, and I was lousy.

Ok, so I did not factor in that I had my trainer over today and every muscle from my butt to my toes is on fire. It was also a rainy day, which does not help when you dry clothes in the backyard.

Enough excuses, the important thing is that I started. All the clothes in the house will fall in one of four places: keep, trash, sell, give away. So far, I have four pieces of clothing folded and ready to go with me to Florida. I also have a bag with about 12 pieces going to charity. I think I will not find that much to trash because we did some Spring cleaning of closets earlier in the year...before I knew I was leaving.

So, for the time being, I am looking forward to the next three days. I will let you know how it went on Saturday, and whether I might need more days, or less. Keep trying.

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