Monday, April 6, 2009

Decisions, decisions

Today starts the Holy Week, for those of Catholic persuasion. I was born into the Catholic church, and even though I do not participate in Sunday services anymore, I follow a pretty simple philosophy in life, do unto others. I don't hurt people on purpose because I hate been mistreated. I do not offer my opinion unless asked, because I find people's unrequested opinions annoying. I try to be happy every day and every time I get upset at someone, I still say "God, please fill them with your blessings".

The reason why I mention the week is because most people go to the beach and forget about their spirit. This is the perfect week to get centered and reflect on your life, your plans, replenish your spirit.

I have million of things to do, so do you. What are you doing to become more spiritual? I am sure that you like to improve your skills, you exercise, you eat as well as your budget, time and interests allow. What are you doing to improve your soul? Can you improve your soul? What are your plans for this week? Share them with me. I will be meditating and listing all the tasks I have to complete: from selling my belongings to renting an apartment, before I get there.

Don't forget, if you have any suggestions, write them here. Have a great week.

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