Monday, November 24, 2008

Celebration's over, its time to go back to work

My birthday was on Friday and I had a great time. I went to a fancy restaurant with my girlfriend. We went to a couple of different places. We had fun. Then I got home at 1:30 AM and had to help at work (at 3:00 AM) so I was up until 5:30 AM. It has been a long time since I had lived through a 23 1/2 hour day. It was fun, but harder than in the past. But then I got up at 10:30 AM to get ready for a lunch date with another BFF. She invited me to lunch. We had a great time as well.

So now, I have all this great places I tried for the first time, and I would like to go back to. And the best part is the food was exquisite. Now I have to up my workouts. So, this morning, I did 15 min. on the stationary bike, 20 to 25 minutes of salsa lessons and about 10 mins. of weight bearing, upper body exercises. I feel like a million bucks. And this afternoon I have a 30 min. walk.

I guess the good part about November is my birthday celebrations usually last most of the month. The bad thing is that they are over and I have to go back to life. But, I have great memories, and I am already planning to have an even bigger party next year...when my birthday is on a SATURDAY.

Not everything has to be work or workout. Some times, it is OK to have fun. Keep trying.

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