Monday, July 28, 2008

Randy Pausch and what his legacy means to me

Yesterday night, as I due every couple of weeks, I checked out Randy Pausch's site and found out that he died on Friday morning. I do not like to read the news, all that negativity is not good for the soul. But that bit of information made me cry. My reaction was that of someone who knew Randy. The truth is, I did not. However, like millions of others, I did see the Last Lecture.

This man was an inspiration to many people. The lecture is about fulfilling your dreams. But it is also about hope and the frailty of life. He was only six years older than me when he passed away. But in his lifetime, he had done so much. And he made every day count.

So now I sit here and think about the fact that I've been talking about not sweating the small stuff in the last couple of days. I also sit here and pray for Randy's wife and three children. But I am also happy in a strange way. You see, Randy Pausch did something that most people don't get to do: he lived to see his legacy. He got to see the impact his last lecture had on people. He got a chance to make some special memories for his children. He prepared, as best he could, for the day that he was no longer going to be there. And for that, we are all greatful. Rest in peace Randy.

And if there ever was a time when my usual last comment is valid, this would be it: keep trying.

Check out Randy Pausch Last Lecture - press here.

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