Friday, July 4, 2008

Holiday - and I am up early

I have been trying to take my body back to the original internal clock, which was about 7 AM to 11 PM. This week I have been making it pretty regularly. The first three days of the week, I was in bed by 10 PM and I would wake up at different times, between 5:40 and 6:10 AM. Yesterday I went to bed close to midnight and woke up at 10 to 8 AM. All in all, not a bad week.

Today, however, it is 4th of July. I could have slept in, but I want to keep going and re-training my body. I am looking forward to spending a day in a bikini, in traffic, going to a cool hangout with some old friends...well, everything except for the bikini part. I am nowhere near the size I need to be to wear a bikini. Nothing that a good, long, t-shirt cannot solve. Ironically, when I was 16 and had a great body, it spent most of the summer under a t-shirt as well. Back then I was embarrassed about my curves.... I guess some things never change.

So why am I saying all this. For one, simple reason. No matter where you are in life, or how you feel, don't let that stop you from enjoying each and every day, embarrassment or not. We only get one chance to enjoy the 4th of July of 2008, after that, this day is gone. Enjoy it!!!
Keep trying.

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