Thursday, October 2, 2008

What is eating me up?

As I commented a few weeks ago, I am having trouble sleeping. I don't really know if it is too much on my plate or not enough. I don't know if it is boredom, the economy, stress... what I know is that it is driving me nuts, and making it even harder to sleep.

Add to that the fact that I am a little sick, and it makes it worse. I can't sleep at night but then I have to sleep during the day, or I need to take a nap because I am exhausted. I need to get back on a schedule of some sort, but I am so far gone that I don't know where to start.

So today, I am sitting down with my notebook and jotting down some ideas of where I want to go, short term goals and long term goals. I am writing a plan of action and the first few action steps and I am organizing my life, one week at a time, with plenty of time for life's normal interruptions. Let's see how that works.

Keep trying.

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