Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Proud achievements

Small post, just wanted to update.

Since Oct. 2nd, 2008 I have lost five pounds. I had one cup of soda in the last 26 days and that was enough to sour on the whole experience. How I miss Cokes, but I did say boycott. Other sodas do not taste the same, and so, the urge to drink soda is greatly diminished by my ethical conscience.

I have also started walking again, and have accumulated 22 miles in the last nine days. My legs are feeling like jello but I can see muscles begin to make an appearance. Hopefully, my goal of loosing 20 pounds by Christmas will be easily accomplished as I add more exercises.

On the personal stuff - I am working on rediscovering who I am and what I want to do with the rest of my life. I have made some progress and I know that for now, I do not want the rat race, even if that means making more with less money.

Whatever happens, gotta keep trying.

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