Sunday, March 16, 2008


I am in the process of cleaning my desk. Next Wednesday, at midnight, I have to go back to work. I have a great incentive to clear my desk, I work from home and I like to work in a comfortable setting. The way my desk unit is set up right now, NOT comfortable. I have clippings, newspapers, magazines and books EVERYWHERE. But the most interesting thing of all, I have found that question in several places today.

What do I want? In the beginning of the year I said I wanted this year to be different. One of the things I wanted to accomplish was to make a new friend, every week for the next 52 weeks, guaranteeing at least 52 new people in my life. Oddly enough, the first few weeks nothing happened. But thanks to FACEBOOK, I reconnected with some of my old friends from school, high school and elementary. And thanks to them I have done a couple of things that I have never done before, tried a couple of new restaurants, reconnected with old friends, expanded on my experience. This year already started better than any other since I got back to PR.

What else do I want? I want to finish that book I've had in my head for several years. I want to start my own little web empire. I want to save a ton of money to take Anna to Europe in the summer of 2009 and then off to college. But most important of all, for my health and my mental peace of mind, I want to loose 50 pounds this year. I have lost and gained thirteen pounds in the last couple of months. I want them to be gone for good.

Now that I know the what, tomorrow I will expand on the how. Keep trying.

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My secret hideaway

My secret hideaway