Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Working on a new strategy

As promissed, I am writting every other day. Today I feel a little blah. Monthly pains, I am getting old, I feel ugly, whatever. You know what, I just found out that I was right about some people, and it depressed the hell out of me. Some times you found out you were right and it still sucks. Specially when they are people you think are friends, and it turns out they are not. So anyway, I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself and I had one of those WOW moments when everything cleared and I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and get my ass back to work, and of course, work out.
I am trying a few new things, and hopefully in the next few weeks I will give you a progress report that does not involve the word backtracking. Love you all...

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My secret hideaway

My secret hideaway