Friday, July 27, 2007

Ramblings: Oh those Milano cookies

So, I have done some exercise, I have actually eaten vegetables twice this week. But today I felt like crap and I bought a bag of double stuffed milano cookies. I'm having an existencial meltdown and I want my damn cookies. Lucky for me, the bag only carries 15 cookies and then I go back to my normal life. The way I see it, you have to do what feels good and not say NO to everything in life, because then you'll want it more. Besides, I lost one pound this week, and it shows.


Kathy said...

Ah, Milanos! I love their "Pirouette" sticks. Problem is I can eat a whole canister of them in two days. That's about 40 sticks. I can't buy them anymore. If they're in the house, it's all over.

Avid Diva said...

I know that these are terrible, but they taste so good. I eat relatively well, until it comes to chocolate. I don't care for any other type of candy. I can avoid all other, except chocolate. But you are right, I should just avoid them anywhere near my house.

My secret hideaway

My secret hideaway