Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Exercise: Powerful arms

I have been doing arm exercises for a while. I love the idea of wearing sleeveless shirts and dresses and show toned, sculpted arms. However, I find myself starring at that hanging area on the back of my arms (you know, the triceps). I am starting to see some progress. There are several exercises you can try. My favorite this month is the triceps extensions. I am working on this muscle confusion thing, where I do 100 with a 3 pound dumbbell. It is working, and I feel sexier already.
Keep in mind, I live in an island that sports 90 degree weather 350 days a year. Have to look good too, it is not all about the health you know. Well, I have to run, we have a thunderstorm and I have no battery for this computer. Keep trying.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Nutrition: Stay away from sodas

I am now in a dilemma. I love a certain coffee colored soda. I am 40 years old. I heard that soda eats up your bones. Now I have noticed two things:
If I drink soda before I go to sleep, I wake up with a backache
If I don't drink soda for a day, I wake up with minor pain.
That is not my only concern. My thumbs are hurting like a 90 year old with arthritis pain. Now I am scared. I don't want to get arthritis. I don't want to walk like an 80 year old person. My only logical escape is to knock soda out of my diet. This is not about the sugar or the calories, this has to do with my desperate attempt to keep my bones healthy.
Does this make any sense? If someone knows a nutritionist that can either confirm or deny my suspicion, please let me know. Thanks. Keep trying.

My secret hideaway

My secret hideaway