Friday, June 26, 2009

Nine boxes...

I got nine small boxes, 12x12x12, and I started packing them with my books. It is scary how many books you can pack in a little box. Some of those boxes have 38 books in them. They are all different sizes and because the postage varies, I cannot put other things in those boxes. This is fine with me. By the end of today, I am going to need more boxes.

It is close to lunch time. I need bigger boxes for my clothes. I guess I am going out to the family business to see if they have some boxes that need recycling. This has been a long week. Even though I see changes, I feel like I am standing still. Let's see what the next few days bring.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Got some boxes today

My plan is simple. I am taking my books and my clothes, and my music. The rest I will sell, give away, throw away. Today I bought 9 small boxes to start packing my books. I am finally beginning to see some progress, which is nice, since I am now officially on the last 40 days.

Moving is hard, changing countries is harder. The adventure seems so close now. I am too excited to be upset. I am happy and I accept the challenge.

My secret hideaway

My secret hideaway