Monday, April 2, 2007

Improvements come slow and steady

I am not focusing on weight LOSS anymore. I am concentrating on improving my health and my body. This is the first lesson I learned from the first 20 pages of the Secret. Yes, curiosity got the best of me and I am now reading the famous book. It is common knowledge that I am a big believer in some forms of self improvement (self help for the skeptics). This book expands on a concept that several other coaches talk about at length in their programs. You achieve what you focus on. I choose to focus on how great my body is and what I can accomplish. My new goal for this month, to be able to run the 2.5 stretch of beach I normally walk three times a week. Why is this a big deal? Because before I started reading the book, I could not run for 10 seconds, let alone a mile or two. Tomorrow we will do the first full walk with my new running shoes which includes a one mile run. On Wednesday I will probably let you know how it went. Keep trying.

My secret hideaway

My secret hideaway